Mar/Apr 2021 Newsletter

COVID Update

In response to the surge in COVID cases and hospitalizations, a provincewide stay-at-home order was issued effective Thursday April 8th. This requires everyone to remain at home, except for essential purposes. Updated regulations are posted on the Middlesex London Health Unit website. The vaccine rollout is also continuing, with updated information which you can view here

Fraud Awareness 

March was Fraud Awareness Month; an event sponsored by the RCMP, the Canadian Anti Fraud Network and the Competition Bureau of Canada. Appropriately, with the number of people online during the pandemic, this year’s focus was on online fraud. Did you know that in 2020 Canadians lost more than $106.4 million to fraud? And of that, $62.6 million was related to online fraud? To help protect yourself, an online resource is being made available called The Little Black Book of Scams, which talks about 12 common scams.

Mark Your Calendars!

On Wednesday April 28, 2021 at 7 p.m. NWL will be hosting an online event with Const. Catherine Fountain from London police. Const. Fountain will be discussing fraud awareness and prevention. The event will be held virtually, and we will be emailing invitations via Eventbrite, so look for it in your inbox. 

Spring Flooding

Spring flooding can be a problem for homeowners. The Home Flood Protection Program based out of the University of Waterloo’s Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation has some spring flood protection tips such as:

  • Remove valuables from your basement 
  • Test your sump pump and battery backup

The Home Flood Protection Program has an online checkup you can access to better understand how to protect your home.

Motorcycle Safety Awareness

The warmer weather means more motorcycles are on the road. To help make the journey safer, here are some tips:

For Motorcyclists:

  • Always wear proper safety gear
  • Drive according to weather conditions and your ability
  • If you have to pull over, know how to conduct a roadside stop properly

For Drivers:

  • Always signal before merging into traffic or changing lanes
  • Ensure you make visual checks for motorcycles by checking blind spots and mirrors
  • Never tailgate 

Additional safety tips can be found at Spring Motorcycle Safety  


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