[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Female” buttontext=”Read it to me”]
- Cherryhill Healthy Ageing Program
- South West Community Care Access Centre
519-473-2222 - Council for London Seniors
519-433-0625 - Hamilton Road Seniors Centre
519-661-5758 - Health Care Connect
1-800-445-1822 - Horton Street Seniors Centre
519-434-9114 - Kiwanis Seniors Community Centre
519-661-5740 - London Intercommunity Health Centre
519-660-0874 - London Public Library
519-661-4600 - London Transit And Paratransit
www.londontransit.ca - Seniors Helpline
519-667-6600 - City of London Spectrum Recreation Programs
www.london.ca/playyourway - Veterans Affairs Canada
1-866-522-2122 - VON Wellness Link Program
519-659-2273 extension 3258