Author: Rodolfo Martinez

  • OTF Seed Project Update

    OTF Seed Project Update

    Over the past 18 months, we have been fortunate enough to work on an OTF funded seed project to help make an impact at an LMCH community. Like all of you, our work was impacted by the global pandemic, however we worked hard to adapt and continue to serve older adults in London.

    I would like to thank OTF for their support, and their flexibility in allowing us to adapt our project to meet the current environment; without their support, our latest project,, could not have been possible.

    We look forward to continuing to expand this platform beyond the life of the grant, and we hope that you are all staying happy and healthy in 2021.

    Thank you.

    Rodolfo Martinez, for the Over 55 Team.

  • Senior Hub

    Senior Hub

    Senior Hub is a new service by Over 55, offering learning opportunities for older adults, as well as connections to other community resources.

    Be sure to visit and give us your feedback!

  • A Change in Focus

    A Change in Focus

    This global pandemic has impacted all of us, and forced us to rethink one of our most exciting OTF pilot projects.

    In 2019, we began the process of working with London Middlesex Community Housing (LMCH) to bring our programming and workshops to its residents. The aim was to not only increase learning options for residents, but to also foster work and volunteer opportunities, while helping to combat a significant issue: social isolation.

    Within the building, many residents felt lonely or disconnected from each other. There were some great community champions, and as a whole reisdents did care about their building and wanted to see genuine change; they just needed a bit of support.

    The residents had launched an onsite food bank, which we were glad to support. In addition, we created specialized workshops and had an onsite community engagement specialist, to gather their feedback and stories.

    As the pandemic hit and forced a lockdown, we were left unable to deliver physical services. After a pause to ensure the safety of residents, project partners and our team, we re-initiated with a virtual model that could benefit even more people.

    This is not the result we envisioned, but this pandemic is clearly beyond anyone’s control, and we look forward to the next chapter in this project. And as always, we are grateful for the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, especially during these challenging times.

    Ontario Trillium Foundation Logo
  • O55 Update re: COVID-19

    O55 Update re: COVID-19

    Dear Clients:

    As COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus continues to challenge how we work and deliver service, we would like to inform you that our offices are closed until at least April 6th. We remain available to you via phone – (519)438-1111 and e-mail – [email protected].

    We are still offering our full range of services, but please be prepared to answer health-related pre-screening questions. Your answers are 100% confidential, and are only being used to protect the health of our community.

    Thank you, and stay healthy!


    Rodolfo Martinez

    for the Over 55 Skills At Work Team

  • Over 55 Christmas Campaign

    Over 55 Christmas Campaign

    In this season of giving, we ask that you consider a tax-deductible donation to Over 55 London.

    As you are no doubt aware, we are one of the few organizations in London providing our services to individuals age 55+, and we rely on options such as fundraising to help sustain the organization.

  • OTF Seed Project

    OTF Seed Project

    We are excited to announce our new Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) project, which is being funded under the Seed stream.

    This project brings us into an exciting new partnership with London Middlesex Community Housing (LMCH) to pilot a program which will engage residents in an existing LMCH building. Our focus will be to work with residents to build a stronger sense of community, while also increasing opportunities for learning, employment and volunteering.

    We look forward to this exciting project!