This global pandemic has impacted all of us, and forced us to rethink one of our most exciting OTF pilot projects.
In 2019, we began the process of working with London Middlesex Community Housing (LMCH) to bring our programming and workshops to its residents. The aim was to not only increase learning options for residents, but to also foster work and volunteer opportunities, while helping to combat a significant issue: social isolation.
Within the building, many residents felt lonely or disconnected from each other. There were some great community champions, and as a whole reisdents did care about their building and wanted to see genuine change; they just needed a bit of support.
The residents had launched an onsite food bank, which we were glad to support. In addition, we created specialized workshops and had an onsite community engagement specialist, to gather their feedback and stories.
As the pandemic hit and forced a lockdown, we were left unable to deliver physical services. After a pause to ensure the safety of residents, project partners and our team, we re-initiated with a virtual model that could benefit even more people.
This is not the result we envisioned, but this pandemic is clearly beyond anyone’s control, and we look forward to the next chapter in this project. And as always, we are grateful for the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, especially during these challenging times.