Given the pandemic status of COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus, we are working closely with our sector partners and public health authorities to provide guidance on how to protect yourself and others while continuing our service delivery.
Please note, we will be restricting services offered to those deemed essential to supporting vulnerable populations. We realize that this will impact many of you, but we will be examining possible opportunities to redeploy Associates to other functional areas – for example, asking a home repair expert to consider temporarily delivering groceries. Remember, only those Associates who have completed COVID-19 pre-screening will be considered eligible for work.
These protocols will remain in place until advised otherwise by Over 55, or until Pandemic status and relevant states of emergency have been lifted, which ever comes first.
1. Example of a non-essential job which will be held over until at least April 15th:
Client requires their living room painted.
2. Example of an essential job that will be referred to an Associate who has completed COVID-19 Prescreening and Self Assessment:
An elderly client with limited mobility, and likely facing self-isolation, requires groceries.
We encourage you to self-assess before leaving your home for any reason. This means that if you have a fever, shortness of breath, a new or worsening cough, or have travelled or been in close contact with anyone who has travelled within the past 14 days, STAY HOME.
If you have self-assessed yourself and believe you are fit to continue delivering service, please follow these guidelines:
– IF YOU FEEL SICK, STAY AT HOME – If you have a mild illness, respiratory symptoms, or have a fever (38 C or 100.4 F or above), stay home and keep away from others. If your symptoms worsen, seek medical care.
– IF YOU HAVE TRAVELLED OR ARE IN CLOSE CONTACT WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS – COVID-19 is a global pandemic; if you have travelled out of province or country, or are in close contact with anyone who has, self isolate for a period of 14 days. If you develop symptoms, especially serious ones, consult Telehealth, the Government of Ontario COVID-19 Self-Assessment tool, or seek medical care.
– WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY – Wash your hands with liquid soap and water thoroughly and for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to disinfect your hands. Improper handwashing is one of the leading causes of COVID-19 spread. Here is a helpful video.
– AVOID TOUCHING YOUR FACE – it is easy to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands without even realizing it – these are easy ways to transmit COVID-19.
– COVER YOUR COUGH OR SNEEZE – Use a tissue to cover your cough or sneeze and throw the tissue in the trash, then wash your hands. If you don’t have a tissue within reach, cough or sneeze into your elbow.
– CLEAN AND DISINFECT YOUR VEHICLE – Pay special attention to surfaces that you and passengers frequently come in contact with. Door handles, mirrors, gearshift, steering wheel, radio controls and more should be disinfected regularly. We commend that you carry disinfecting agents in your vehicle.
– CONSIDER WEARING GLOVES – Wearing latex gloves can help reduce the spread of COVID-19, although masks may not be highly effective. We also ask you to consider that masks are in short supply and should be reserved for use by our front line medical professionals.
If you suspect that a client has COVID-19 and you have come into contact with them, excuse yourself from the site immediately, contact the office with details, and self-isolate accordingly.
Supporting public health authorities
Our team is available to support the Southwest LHIN and public health authorities in their response to this pandemic. Under their guidance, we may temporarily suspend Associates or clients confirmed to have contracted or been exposed to COVID‑19.
Helping Our Associates
We realize that these unprecedented events are impacting your business, income and daily lives. We will be implementing wellness calls, and as government benefits and aid are published, we will work with our Associates to determine best fit.
Helping Our Associates to Stay Safe
We will be posting COVID-19 information on our social media as well as newsletters. If you require assistance securing PPE or cleaning supplies for your vehicle, please contact us.
Information is Constantly Changing
We cannot stress enough that these are uncertain times; please contact us or watch our social media and your e-mail inbox for updates.