Looking Ahead to Year 3 of Our OTF Grow Grant
In April of 2017, we were thrilled to announce that the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) had chosen to support Over 55 through a Grow Grant. The $397,000 awarded to our organisation has already had a significant impact in growing our membership base, as well as social enterprise revenues. 2018 Represented a record growth in the number of our Associate Members – individuals age 55+, who work as entrepreneurs delivering important services to the community. With the support of OTF, we hope to do something that we have never done before: to achieve over 100 active senior entrepreneurs on our membership roster.

As we begin to enter the final year of our OTF Grow grant, we are also excited to expand to other communities, with our first pilot being in Guelph.

In closing, we would like to thank OTF, our community partners, staff, volunteers, and our Associate Members, as we look forward to the next phase of growth for Over 55 Skills At Work.