Category: Blog

  • Over 55 Successfully Partners With Neighbourhood Watch!

    Over 55 Successfully Partners With Neighbourhood Watch!

    After a couple of months of intense negotiating, Over 55 Skills at Work has successfully partnered with Neighbourhood Watch London. The embattled community safety program was facing severe funding cuts, leaving its fate uncertain. Our very own Rodolfo Martinez saw an opportunity to help, recognizing the important role Neighbourhood Watch plays within the community. Boasting…

  • How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint from Home

    How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint from Home

    As the years have continued to progress—as they do—so too have the calls to address climate change. While the problem is indeed global, changing habits at a local level can help offset the strain on our environment. This isn’t new news, but knowledge is power, and sometimes a little encouragement is all we need. Knowing…

  • Rejuvenate Your Space: Tips for Decluttering Your Home

    2019 is officially upon us, and as is custom, people like to begin the new year with a clean slate. New Year’s resolutions (whether or not they’re fully realized) are all about putting your good intentions out into the universe. So, it’s probably no coincidence that Netflix’s wildly popular Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, is…

  • Winterize Your Home With This Handy Checklist

    Alberta clippers, polar vortexes, and nor’easters are on the way. Will it be another snowmageddon or a snowpocalypse? A Snowtastrophe? Complete snownihilation? However your news station decides to characterize this year’s somehow-record-breaking winter season, one thing is certain: we are sure to get weather. With that said, it’s important to remember to properly winterize your…

  • Boost Your Mood This Winter: 5 Quick & Easy Tips –

    The season of grey clouds, frosted car windows, and laneways blocked by city plows is upon us. And just because it’s easy to slide into hermit mode, that doesn’t mean it has to be all doom and gloom. There are a variety of ways we can steel ourselves against the winter woes, and we’ve come up…

  • Staying Active Year Round

    Working out and staying active is important through all walks of life. The most difficult thing about it can be sticking to a routine. I know that when it is sunny and hot outside I would rather be by the beach or my pool than working out. Then in the winter it is so cold…

  • Making the Most of Everyday

    When you wake up in the morning you have the choice to decide how you go about your day. Whether you choose to sleep until noon, wake up and exercise, or maybe stay inside and read a book for the day. The most important thing is that you get to decide. This article is about…

  • How To Get Involved in Your Community

    Volunteering for community is beneficial at any age. Helping out your community not only benefits your neighbourhood but also helps you to feel accomplished. There are so many places in London and the surrounding area that could always use the extra helping hand. Here are some ways that you could help.

  • Aging Well in Your Home

    Aging well in your home is becoming a reality for more seniors in Canada, here is how… We have all heard the saying that there is no place like home, and as you continue to age that saying becomes more and more relevant. The comfort of your own home is something that can feel irreplaceable.…

  • OTF Funding Received

    OTF Funding Received

    Over55 is pleased to announce new funding which has been received thanks to the valuable support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation.